Spitfire was our robot for the 2022 FRC Season: Rapid React.

Spitfire features:

  • A 6 wheel drive train with omni wheels in the front corners making turning more dynamic, as well as a set of center rails to mount the electronics panel.
  • An intake system featuring a 4 bar linkage with 3 sets of rollers, powered by a Neo 550 and belt system.
  • An Indexer that transports two balls in under 3 seconds, using a total of 4 sensors to detect color and the movement of balls through the system.
  • A Single Flywheel shooter with an 180 degree rotational turret, and 60 degree adjustable hood with 4 sets of rollers to reduce the spin on the ball.
  • Has a consistent two and four ball autonomous mode. Precise shooting from almost anywhere on the field using 180 Degree FOV Limelight “seeking”, as well as an interpolation table.